Sully's 2 for 1 Mystery T-Shirt SALE
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With baseball season coming to a merciful end, it was time for another HUGE sale at Sully's. For the next two weeks, for every regularly priced t-shirt (unisex, kid's, women's, and long sleeves) you buy in the Sully's eStore, you will receive an additional MYSTERY t-shirt in the same size for FREE! For example, if you order two regularly priced t-shirts, you'll receive four t-shirts total. Some restrictions below.
*No coupon code necessary. Just buy a regularly priced ($14.99 and up) t-shirt and the Sully's Crew will do the rest.
*The Mystery t-shirt included will be the same size as your regularly priced t-shirt.
*Triple Extra Large (XXXL) t-shirts are not included in this promotion.
*Promotion valid for two weeks only (Friday October 1 @ noon through Friday, October 15).